April 13, 2020

Jung Connections: Pacifica Lectures

Jung Connections: Pacifica Graduate Institute Lectures

Mythologist Joseph Campbell was one of many to teach at Pacifica Graduate Institute, a school “offering masters and doctoral degree programs framed in the traditions in depth psychology.” 

A variety of selected lectures from Pacifica can be found at this YouTube site.

For example…
…In “Jungian Literary Criticism : The Essential Guide,” Dr. Susan Rowland says, “The psyche is intrinsically creative,” as she discusses why we care about the literary arts.

…In “Archetypal Psychology” Dr. Patricia Berry, who herself writes poetry, talks of how dreams may bring up creative ideas.

…In “On Memoir,” Maureen Murdock discusses how “a depth psychological perspective can facilitate, enhance, and deepen the telling of one’s story in a profound way."

Quotations from Pacifica Graduate Institute
and painting by artist Carolyn Taylor

In the Beginning

Poet You constellate the myths, O royal oracle of archetypes. Photo and poem by Jan Claire
