April 30, 2020

Poetry on the Web: Poetry Day in Ireland

Poetry Day
"Poetry has always changed with the changing world. If it doesn’t, it will run the risk of not being a living language."  ~ Eaven Boland

Today, April 30th, is Poetry Day in Ireland. The theme is “There Will Be Time.” Poetry Ireland lists "What's On."


Photo by Jan Claire 
and quotation from the Irish Examiner

Brennan, Marjorie. "‘Poetry has Always Changed with the Changing World’: Eavan Boland Keen for Poetry to Move with the Digital Age." Irish Examiner, 28 April 2020, www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/lifestyle/culture/poetry-has-always-changed-with-the-changing-world-eavan-boland-keen-for-poetry-to-move-with-digital-age-861943.html Accessed 30 April 2020.

April 27, 2020

Poetry on the Web: Powers of Observation

Booktube Interview with Poet Marianne Szlyk

Marianne Szlyk “trains her whimsical powers of observation on scenes of climate change, American urban and suburban landscapes.” ~ Catfish McDaris

In this interview sponsored by Carpe Librum, Marianne Szlyk discusses her book, On the Other Side of the Window

Szlyk, Marianne. “Booktube Interview with Poet Marianne Szlyk.” 
     Interview by Carpe Librum. Youtube. 19 August 2018.

April 24, 2020

Inspiring Artists, Series 3: Hesse

Hermann Hesse

From the exhibition organized by the Hermann Geiger Cultural Foundation and curated by the Art Director, Alessandro Schiavetti…
Hermann Hesse, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature 1946, is definitely lesser known for his activity as a painter than for his literary masterpieces... [This exhibition]… presents the more intimate, hidden side of an all-round artist who found relief from his existential distress in pictorial expression.”
Jung Connections: “On the advice of his psychoanalyst, a disciple of Carl Gustav Jung, Hesse was initially reluctant to start using colours and brushes, but then he felt so relieved that painting became his preferred activity. Fascinated by the beauty of nature and attracted by the expressive power of colour, Hesse painted over three thousand watercolours during his life, mainly depicting dreamy, brightly coloured landscapes in Ticino, but he also illustrated small volumes and booklets of poems.”
Hermann Hesse’s paintings on Google Images

Video and quotation by Fondazione Geiger

April 20, 2020

Night Light

Half Awake

The moon is an eye,
sleepy yet open.

Lines by Jan Claire 
and photo by Kym MacKinnon on Unsplash

April 16, 2020

After All

Corn Plant

…Did you see it has a flower,
after all these years?

…Such a fever-sweet scent,
the smell of tropical rain,
those balls of tiny stars,
big dandelion puffs—
it catches you up
when you walk through the door…

Lines from Poetry is Mindfulness by David B. Churchill
and photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash

April 13, 2020

Jung Connections: Pacifica Lectures

Jung Connections: Pacifica Graduate Institute Lectures

Mythologist Joseph Campbell was one of many to teach at Pacifica Graduate Institute, a school “offering masters and doctoral degree programs framed in the traditions in depth psychology.” 

A variety of selected lectures from Pacifica can be found at this YouTube site.

For example…
…In “Jungian Literary Criticism : The Essential Guide,” Dr. Susan Rowland says, “The psyche is intrinsically creative,” as she discusses why we care about the literary arts.

…In “Archetypal Psychology” Dr. Patricia Berry, who herself writes poetry, talks of how dreams may bring up creative ideas.

…In “On Memoir,” Maureen Murdock discusses how “a depth psychological perspective can facilitate, enhance, and deepen the telling of one’s story in a profound way."

Quotations from Pacifica Graduate Institute
and painting by artist Carolyn Taylor

April 9, 2020

Mimosa Blossoms

Saturday Morning

…The rain falls like pin-pricks
on their bare arms,
against their tank tops.
Mimosa blossoms
stick in their hair

Lines by Marianne Szlyk from The Music of the Aztecs 
and painting by artist Geordanna Cordero on Unsplash

April 8, 2020

Poetry Reading, Reid Baron

Reid Baron reads from "Drunken Iconographers"…
The Music of the Aztecs by PonyOneDog Press

Video by Ethan Goffman from The Music of the Aztecs Launch Party 
at the Writers Center in Bethesda, Maryland

April 2, 2020

We are All

The Force Is Not With Me

…In our own minds we are all the hero
A colossus astride history,
Xena, Warrior Princess.


Lines by Ethan Goffman from The Music of the Aztecs
and photo by Photo by Gabriel Bassino on Unsplash

In the Beginning

Poet You constellate the myths, O royal oracle of archetypes. Photo and poem by Jan Claire
