September 25, 2020

Pure Twilight

Imaginary Sun

Make me a diamond
from pure twilight
built on early planets

Lines by John MacDonald from The Music of the Aztecs
and photo by Jan Claire

September 4, 2020

Featured Poet: Alan Britt

Grace Calaveri Interviews Poet Alan Britt

GC: How does your mind work? How did you know to start from the particular?
AB: That’s a good question. I’ve been doing it for so long, part of it is automatic.
GC: But to know to start in your back yard. That’s a lesson in poetry right there. That brings me to the second most important thing about poetry — is to notice things.
GC: Observation is vital.

Alan Britt at "The Poet and the Poem" Audio Podcasts, from  Webcasts & Podcasts from the Poetry and Literature Center at the Library of Congress

You can also find poetry by Alan Britt in The Music of the Aztecs, edited and with an introduction by David B. Churchill.

Photo by Jan Claire

In the Beginning

Poet You constellate the myths, O royal oracle of archetypes. Photo and poem by Jan Claire
